The main appointment number is (281) 690-4678.
Dr. Maffet is on most major medical health plans. There are some exceptions of course, especially some HMOs. Please confirm with our appointment desk when you call. Also remember that your health plan book is at least 6 months out of date and may not reflect recent changes. Please call to confirm even if not listed.
- Please make sure all questions you may have about the procedure have been answered.
- My office staff can answer logistical questions about the day of the procedure. I’ll see you again in the preoperative holding area where any last minute questions for me can be addressed.
- You should check with the hospital/surgery center one more time the day before the procedure to make sure there have been no last minute adjustments in the time you should arrive.
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight before hand. The anesthesiologist requires an empty stomach. Any normal medications taken in the morning can be taken with a small sip of water.
- Make sure you have someone to drive you home.
- You will sign a consent form the day of the procedure listing the procedure and all possible complications. Please make sure you understand everything.
- Dress comfortably. Avoid nylon undergarments if possible.