Patients should know more about the electronic medical records (EMR) that has and will continue to dominate their medical documents now and in the future. Doctor’s experiences with EMR have often been far from good. Patients don’t realize how much and in what ways it will impact them. Good blog article here.
Archive | Health Reform
RSS feed for this sectionI am often asked by patients what my thoughts are about the changes occurring in health care.
Health care is no doubt radically changing. Whether you think these changes are positive or negative may depend on your perspective. Here I want to give you information on changes from different people’s point of view.
How easy is it to measure quality in medicine?
Interesting commentary here.on this subject. There is a lot of emphasis now in health care going forward on quality, quality metrics, quality performance, etc. without much specifics on what exactly that means. I come from a background that when I trained in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine, we were considered to have the highest quality […]
Why Rating Your Doctor May Be Bad For Your Health
Interesting article from Forbes here. Sometimes the best doctors are not necessarily the ones who tell you what you want to hear. Maybe some weight loss is needed or running not a good idea for your arthritic knee. Recent UC Davis study shows that maybe patient “satisfaction” is not always a reliable index to good […]